R.N.L.I Mersey Class Lifeboat
About the model
R.N.L.I. Mersey Class lifeboat.
Prototype history (click)
Mersey Class Carriage Launched Lifeboat.
The Mersey class lifeboat is a fast carriage launched boat designed to meet modern demands, the design being fully self righting by the buoyancy of the superstructure. The model has the triangular spray rail, bilge rails, exhaust ports and hydraulic ram (for trim tabs) recesses all moulded in. This will significantly reduce the time in producing a first class and realistic looking model of a handy size and with twin motor controls a versatile and manouverable model.
The model does not have a plan with it but does have an optional CABIN MOULDING which has all the window positions moulded in, the hull and cabin mouldings make for a very stable, seaworthy and realistic model on the water. There is plenty of room in the hull for R/C. batteries and other working features such as lights, horn, engine sound etc. This is a model ideal for beginner or expert alike to try their hand at.
The model does not have a plan with it but does have an optional CABIN MOULDING which has all the window positions moulded in, the hull and cabin mouldings make for a very stable, seaworthy and realistic model on the water. There is plenty of room in the hull for R/C. batteries and other working features such as lights, horn, engine sound etc. This is a model ideal for beginner or expert alike to try their hand at.
Model specifications (click)
Scale: 1: 12
Hull: 38 inch
Beam: 12.5 inch
What's in the kit (click)
Kit contains:
- Hull
- Cabin
Price £160.00 not including postage and packing
At the moment you either need to ring or email to purchase.

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